We understand the importance of your wellness. To achieve your wellness objectives, you have come to expect the highest levels of service and patient care. As a result, we continuously commit ourselves to meeting and exceeding your expectations. To us, providing a total healthcare experience means dedicated and friendly staff, flexible and convenient hours and the highest quality care available.
OC Total Wellness is one more way for us to provide you with superior patient care and service. You can now access our expertise at your leisure — with ease, simplicity and convenience. It is our way of extending the advantages of our approach and philosophy to you — providing you with a constant link to our premium patient care.
As a clinic, we are united in an effort to focus on each area of our client’s needs. These needs include nutritional, emotional, structural, and spiritual well-being. We are dedicated to being the vehicle that imparts wellness through natural healing.
Our aim is to be on the cutting edge of the latest research and to carry only the finest quality products available on the market today. Our desire is to put balance back into the environment of homes and work places, while focusing on the most important organism—–YOU!
Diane Wendell, C.N., C.N.M.
As one of the most sought after nutritional consultants in Southern California, Diane Wendell has a client base of literally thousands of people who have been helped by her expertise and her sincere concern for people with health challenges.
Diane Wendell is certified as a nutritionist through the American Academy of Nutrition, Pacific School of Nutrition and completed her Studies in Naturopathy from the College of Natural Health in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She stays up to date on the latest scientific advances in clinical nutrition, by regularly attending post graduate courses presented by top opinion leaders in the field of nutrition. She has been practicing nutrition for 30 years and has one of the largest practices in Orange County. She has understandably gained the respect of her fellow colleagues through her journey.
Diane is a Certified Nutritional Microscopist (the study of live blood cells) through the Life Science Fellowship in Los Angeles, California. She is certified in phlebotomy procedures through the Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles, California. Diane has also studied the tongue, nails, and frontal eye analysis, an Oriental perspective for reviewing the body’s strengths and weaknesses.
Diane Wendell is constantly being sought after and invited by Churches and Corporations to be a speaker and to present seminars. As a public speaker, Diane has the unique ability to communicate complex scientific materials on health and nutrition in a simplified and understandable manner giving so many people the opportunity to improve their life-style through knowledge and nutritional changes. She has served on the Advisory Boards for different Health International Corporations, and has done special programming for TBN Christian television. She has been heard on her own radio show on KBRT radio, as well as The Paul McGuire Show.
Diane has touched thousands of lives worldwide and has made a great impact in their transformation. Diane is truly dedicated to providing her clients with expert advice and specific protocols regarding their ailments. Diane offers help and above all “hope” in a toxic world.
* Certified Nutritionist – American Academy of Nutrition, Pacific School of Nutrition.
* Completed Studies in Naturopathy – College of Natural Health, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
* Certified Nutritional Microscopist (study of live blood) – Life Science Fellowship, Los Angeles, California.
* Certified Phlebotomy Procedures – Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, California.